Nama2 laen bg tb (tuberculosis) adalah...
1- consumption, because it seemed to consume people from within, with a bloody cough, fever, pallor, and long relentless wasting.
2- phthisis (Greek for consumption) and phthisis pulmonalis
3- scrofula (in adults), affecting the lymphatic system and resulting in swollen neck glands
4- tabes mesenterica, TB of the abdomen
5- Lupus vulgaris, TB of the skin
6- wasting disease
7- king's evil, because it was believed that a king's touch would heal scrofula
8- Pott's disease, or gibbus of the spine and joints.
9- Miliary tuberculosis now commonly known as disseminated TB—occurs when the infection invades the circulatory system resulting in lesions which have the appearance of millet seeds on X-ray.
10- TB is also called Koch's disease after the scientist Robert Koch
11- white plague, because sufferers appear markedly pale
Nama yg melayu bg utk tb cam x ssuai plak...bkn batuk kering semata...belambak lg simptoms laen tp yg ketara nya mmg batuk x kering..slalunya ada sy still rs x ssuai..
E-Day #ZurianiZainal
6 years ago
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